miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Post 2

When was a kid I have many interests, I wanted to make many activities  at the same time, like   being a fisherman, a cook ,etc.., but  it never called my attention a  university career , because I thought "that is very long to me". On the other hand when I started to grow  up, I  be come interested in music, and I learned  to play guitar, my love for this was so big , that I wished to do it  every day of my life, but  the life is funny and mysterious, that when I studied in the preparatory, I started to   like literature, philosophy, history, and I started to consider to go to university in the future. well, I saw myself in a trouble; ¿ what to do with my future, after leaving the school ?. and now I don´t have the answer to.My mother always tells me about her  university life ( she studied art), and says to me that it was her favorite moment in her life. all this led me to want to  study in the university, but what career?, that was another problem. After  one year I chose to study social work , because of all my many interests that I had  in my life, I considered that social work is a toll for the social change , for the society, I see in it  one possibility courageous and beautiful about  my future labour.  
    My experience in this career and this university has been  nice in many aspects, but in others  not so good, I hate the academic excesses, I think  this is very elitist and discriminatory to many people in this university,  and for now I am  very confused about what kind of job I want to have in the future. 

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