miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016


In my life I have had many friends, some are still with me, others have gone of my life, and I love evereyone very much, all  of them have a singular quality., but with one of these I have a beautiful complicity, his names is Matias, he is my best friend, I met him in the school, when I was six years old, and until today he and me have been friends. we have had  fourten years of frienship.

I like  to call him "Maty" is more loving. I consider him  my best friend because I can tell him every thing abaout me, my dreams, secrets, jokes, fears, etc.., I feel at ease when I am with him, and the most important to me is his support in every crazy thing than I want to do. 

My best memory with maty was the  friday when we got out of the school, and drank beer in the streets of puente alto  ( we were fiteen years old, and wanted to try news experiences) and sang songs of bands of rock all the afternoon.  

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