martes, 5 de julio de 2016

My blogging experience ( blog 10)

My experience writing blogs ah been interesting enough, in spite of the fact that always me to side to work with the English language - because it is a language that I do not like, I prefer the languages romances - I think that I could have valued this time a bit more his scopes. 

I think that in the writing of the English language I have managed to develop fluency, and a bit of coherence, two things that before beginning this course it was not possessing. To this section of the English course three more than him to add things, I would like to change some, for example that the topic of the bloggs the students are chosen by us, this way every blog would have a more personal stamp. But y for my part I think that this activity is useful enough for the learning of the language, and it helps to take confidence to express, in addition it serves also as a recreative activity. 

I would like to write personal reflections it brings over of the big problems that the related ones to the environment live through the Chilean company at present, for example, the violence against the women, the inequality in the distribution of the resources, and the education. I believe that this interesting to use the English language to expand our ideas beyond Chile.

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