viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018


The true is i dont want to visit any contry in this time, but in the future i hope to visit Sicilia. the reason to chose this place is because i wish go on vacation. Sicilia is a island in the midle of mediterranean sea. This is very attractive to me. I Thing that weather is very nice, and the landscape is so much beutiful. For this reason i say, without a doubt, in that piece of land i could  find the peace that i wish. 

Resultado de imagen para sicilia

In relation to the acctivites that i want to do, evaluate two:

1) Swin around of scala dei turchi

The wather in this beach is very clear and quiet. Probably swin here is too nice. In additión cliff is so womderful, a beuty of nature.

Resultado de imagen para scala dei turchi

2) Know the Teatro de Taormina

This place is a remain of the western culture. Visit is a educational experiencie that i will always remenber, because  i will probably my Knowledge get bigger

Imagen relacionada

2 comentarios:

  1. The last vacation you and I went on vacation to Quintero. Can i go to Sicilia with you, oh captain, my captain?! <3 AHAHA


  2. I love the islands! in the photos it´s seen that it is a very beautiful place!
