lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018

Diplomado en mediación cultural, y de desarrollo de públicos

In some years more I would like to study a posgraduate course called “Diplomado en mediación cultural y desarrollo público”. The reason why i want to enter in this study program is because I always had an interest in the problems that public organisms have to work with topics related to culture and art.

Resultado de imagen para mediación cultural
In the program you can see diferent subject, like for example,art sociology, cultural practices, public studies, and others. All these corse give you skills for the creation of cultural intervention proposals.

It is importan say that cultural mediation makes it posible to democratize culture, that is, it seeks to bring culture to as people as posible. This is my motivation to study this course, becasuse i thik that the policy culture in Chile are very bad in relation to the number of people who Benefit.   

Resultado de imagen para mediación cultural
The course is given in the “instituto de la comunicación e imagen” (ICEI). This faculty is part of the university of Chile.The exact location is in Ñuñoa, a place that located in the city of Santiago of Chile.

Resultado de imagen para Diplomado en Mediación Cultural y Desarrollo de Públicos

Finally, I would like to study this course in a part time way, because while studying, i have the opootunit to work to pay the cost of these studies. In this sense, I would not have to go into debt to study. This is not a minor problem. Today many Young people are indebted becasue they can´t finance their higher education

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