domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018

Social Research

In the Future I wolud like to work doing social research. I Imagine this job like a Challenging activity, because for doing that is necesary many skills, like for example, the good use of social research methodologies, or interacting with institutions, and the comunity for get permissions.

This Jobs could be done in indoors and Outddoors. On one side, The planning of the investigation, and the theoretical reflection of the problema in question can be done in a office with other professionals, like sociologists, antropologists, and others. On the other hand, for generate knowlege is necesary come to the place where the problem exist. In this sense, to doing interviews or field obervations I need to go to space where the actors involved live.

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I dont know how much money I wolud win for doing this job. The only things that I Know is that job can be done in the university, or in the “Fondecyt´s proyects” -in the case of Chile-. In this last option, the state of Chile give a certain sum of money that must be distributed among profesionales that are part of the Project.

I thiking to do social research is necesary takin courses of social research methodologies. In this major´s you can learn the main techniques to generate knowledge, and the way to analyze it once produced.

Finally, I think this Job is very importan, because to have information about the social problems it allows take accions that improve the situación in question. 

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