viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

What happen with the young people who breaks the law

In the last time in Chile the perception about juvenile delinquency has been on the rise (Sépulveda & Metiffogo, 2015). That situation has generate the feeling of public insecurity in the population, and increase the prejudices about yonug people.

The One of the most popular explications for this phenomenons have relation whit to associate the responsibility of these problems only to the individuals, as if the occurrence of the problem or not depended only on them. In relation to this Viscarddi (2007) postulates that it is ignored that the life of these young people has been affected by various social problems, which in some way made it possible for them to commit a crime.

Resultado de imagen para jovenes infractores de ley

According to Sepulveda and Metifoggo (2015), these problems can be the violence of the homes, the permanence in places of protection of the childhood, (SENAME) the scholastic failure (Rpetir of course or to leave school), the drug consumption from children, between other problems. Many times these problems do not act separately, but are related to each other making the problem in question something much more complex.

Resultado de imagen para jovenes infractores de ley

This type of situations mentioned above can be understood as bifurcations (Bidart, 2006), in the sense that they represent a before and after in the life of the young, that is, their occurrence determines that they begin a criminal career

This year I work in jails and can realize that the lives of the people who are behind bars had to face these problems. This situation speaks of how unequal our country is, to the point that in the same city you can live such different lives, for example, being a young student, or being a young person deprived of your freedom.

Imagen relacionada

Before this I would like to make a call to destroy the prejudices we have regarding young people who break the law, and begin to reflect on the life that our society is giving them


Bidart, C. (2006). Crises, décisions et temporalités: autour des bifurcations biographiques. Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, (1), 29-57.

Mettifogo, D., & Sepúlveda, R. (2005). Trayectorias de vida de jóvenes infractores de ley. Centro de Estudios en Seguridad Ciudadana.
Viscardi, N. (2007). Trayectorias delictivas y rehabilitación: caminos laberínticos de la configuración de futuro en jóvenes infractores. El Uruguay desde la Sociología iv, ds-fcs-udelar, Montevideo, 293-325.

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