martes, 5 de julio de 2016

My blogging experience ( blog 10)

My experience writing blogs ah been interesting enough, in spite of the fact that always me to side to work with the English language - because it is a language that I do not like, I prefer the languages romances - I think that I could have valued this time a bit more his scopes. 

I think that in the writing of the English language I have managed to develop fluency, and a bit of coherence, two things that before beginning this course it was not possessing. To this section of the English course three more than him to add things, I would like to change some, for example that the topic of the bloggs the students are chosen by us, this way every blog would have a more personal stamp. But y for my part I think that this activity is useful enough for the learning of the language, and it helps to take confidence to express, in addition it serves also as a recreative activity. 

I would like to write personal reflections it brings over of the big problems that the related ones to the environment live through the Chilean company at present, for example, the violence against the women, the inequality in the distribution of the resources, and the education. I believe that this interesting to use the English language to expand our ideas beyond Chile.

The birthday of my grandmother ( post 9)

My favorite festivity is the birthday of my grandmother, which is celebrated on March 20. I consider this date a holiday because with my family we celebrate a great event, the birth of the person who keeps us close, and that acts as the emotional prop of our lives. 

In this celebration the complete family joins, which generates a beautiful environment, we play songs in guitar, eat all kinds of food, sweet and salty, dance music that my grandmother liked in his youth, and they all are useful of putting a day with his lives.

I like it this celebration because it is the only once of the year in which we are really joined as family, is not even navidad this happens, because this the birthday of my grandmother has become sacred for each of us. 

 for things of the life, my nearest uncle was born on March 12, and I was born on March 17, a few days before the date of the birthday of my grandmother, which means that more of once we have celebrated our united birthdays. March is one very special month in our lives 

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016

Ética social ( post 8)

In this subject we think it brings over of that it is the ethics and the morality, and as the place of these in the modern world, the teachers - Raúl villarroel and Roberto Campos--they teach us it brings over of the diverse philosophical traditions to have a more wealth-producing reflection.  

Different variants of the philosophical ethics, teleological, material, consequence - list, of the speech, of the recognition, help us to understand the problems that are given in a modern world, where the individualism dominates the relations between the persons.

I like very much this subject because really I surprised it, before being present at the first class he believed that this branch serious very  and conservative in relation to a vision on the society, but the experience me demonstrated everything this opposite it is one it spread of critical formation.

Jane Addams (post 7)

Jane addams was a social worker, who gave his life for changing the company in which it lived, specially to change the life of the underprivileged persons. After having travelled to Europe, where I realize his sociological studies, it returned to ee.uu and I found the hull hause, refuge that not only one entrust to guard over the well-being poorest and the left children, but also it was a school for the women, who were isolated of the university education. 

I chose this woman for the form at which  employed and his life lived was ultramodern for the epoch, and I mark the way for it questions I lie of a capitalist company and patrialcal.

 when she gains the new prize he says in his speech " social work was born to question the law, not to apply it ", in addition it had a homosexual relation they are his colleague Ellen Gates Starr, these things demonstrate his trend to criticize the social order, and to guarding over the change. 

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016

Silvio rodriguez

The truth I have neither band nor favorite singer, but if there is anyone that I me mark in some moment of my life, this he was silvio rodriguez. this beautiful man is a Cuban musician, who was a part of the movement of the "la nueva trova cubana
", group composed by musical young persons who were characterized for composing songs with contained social, and with many  poetry.

I knew silvio for whom my dad listened his discs since i was a very small child, but it started me pleasing really when I expired thirteen years, in these moments it began to learn to play the guitar, and the form in which silvio was play the guitar demolished me  head, and i obsessed for play like him.

Silvio is a troubadour, that is to say that sings songs, floods of poetry, accompanied only of his guitar. My silvio's favorite song is "mariposas", because this flood of nosltalgia, from a shout to recollection of the moments that are lived.
My favorite photograph 

In the  photograph we can see paul simonon, musical that integrates  the band " the clash ", destroying his bass in the floor of the scene. The photography was taken by the photographer pennie smith during a concert that the clash realize in new york, I like this image because I feel that it expresses all the energy that the songs contain the clash, But what more I like me it was to know because of this gesture of simonon; in the concert that the band was giving in new york, the safety was not stopping to dance the assistants, this fact I bother paul, for what decided to break his down to create a climate of dissatisfaction. 

Another element that it might announce is that this photo was the front page of the disc "london calling", which is characterized for his we change musical shades, there are songs with paces of the punk, ska, rockbilly, and soul.

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016


In my life I have had many friends, some are still with me, others have gone of my life, and I love evereyone very much, all  of them have a singular quality., but with one of these I have a beautiful complicity, his names is Matias, he is my best friend, I met him in the school, when I was six years old, and until today he and me have been friends. we have had  fourten years of frienship.

I like  to call him "Maty" is more loving. I consider him  my best friend because I can tell him every thing abaout me, my dreams, secrets, jokes, fears, etc.., I feel at ease when I am with him, and the most important to me is his support in every crazy thing than I want to do. 

My best memory with maty was the  friday when we got out of the school, and drank beer in the streets of puente alto  ( we were fiteen years old, and wanted to try news experiences) and sang songs of bands of rock all the afternoon.  

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Post 2

When was a kid I have many interests, I wanted to make many activities  at the same time, like   being a fisherman, a cook ,etc.., but  it never called my attention a  university career , because I thought "that is very long to me". On the other hand when I started to grow  up, I  be come interested in music, and I learned  to play guitar, my love for this was so big , that I wished to do it  every day of my life, but  the life is funny and mysterious, that when I studied in the preparatory, I started to   like literature, philosophy, history, and I started to consider to go to university in the future. well, I saw myself in a trouble; ¿ what to do with my future, after leaving the school ?. and now I don´t have the answer to.My mother always tells me about her  university life ( she studied art), and says to me that it was her favorite moment in her life. all this led me to want to  study in the university, but what career?, that was another problem. After  one year I chose to study social work , because of all my many interests that I had  in my life, I considered that social work is a toll for the social change , for the society, I see in it  one possibility courageous and beautiful about  my future labour.  
    My experience in this career and this university has been  nice in many aspects, but in others  not so good, I hate the academic excesses, I think  this is very elitist and discriminatory to many people in this university,  and for now I am  very confused about what kind of job I want to have in the future. 

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

i little bit of me

Mi name is Santos Inti Allendes Caro. this is  the second time i write for the blogg, to day i will talk about my self ( which i find very dificult).  i am twenty years old, i was born in santiago on march 17. actually i am living whit my parents and my brother called Angel in the beautiful land of  Puente alto, my schooling was in colegio cordillera  from puente alto, very bad school in fact ( no more comments), noways studing social work ( wonderful carrer) in the universidad de chile

i have many hobbies, like ride bicycle in the afternoons, reading literature ( what i like mosst are the stories of Julio Cortazár), speek whit friends until sunrrise, but my favorite hobbie ( is more tahn hobbie to me in fact) is play music in a band whit my friends, in this i play guitar and try to make songs. what more can i say?..... i love play music.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

I and the English

    Hi teacher , my name is Santos Allendes, and I am studying social work in the "univiersidad de chile". I am writing this blog because I want to tell you my weaknesses and strengths in English. It is  so dificult for me to  speak and write in English, becasuse I didn' t have good teachers of English in the school, and I am not fanatic of the English culture,  I like very few their movies and their music. In  the other hand the true is "I dont have strenghs in English". But any way I  want  to learn English, because I think that in the modern world it is very necesary  to comunica with other cultures, it is  for this that I have expectations in this class, I  expect to have a better  use  of the English.